2013 had it's ups. But a hole heck of downs. Lets recap why I'll take a drink at midnight to say F you 2013 and welcome in 2014.

May - After many tearful goodbyes to my grandparents, dad and other family, friends and my horses I pack my car and leave for Lexington on the 8th. On the 13th I walk back into Equibase after being gone since December of 2010. Working there again is rough at first because everything comes back fast but things had changed and putting it all together was a rough period of time. Start apartment searching but have no luck at first. I go to the USHJA International Derby finals which is a complete blast at KHP - forgot how much I love that place. End of the month is marred by my friend Lyssette loosing her horse Carlos :(

September - Ok so the part time job didn't last long. After not really seeing the horses and going full time I quit the part time job after 2-3 weeks and let Labor Day weekend be the end of that. Dakota has become more and more visibly lame and wheels start spinning on what to do with him. September also marks a year since I've owned Echo.
October - Month of Breeders' Cup preparations. Fun. Makes work even more fun - and hellish. Echo left for operation boot camp in Texas with my friend Amanda.
November & December - No major changes except Echo being naughty in Texas. Mom and Grandparents visit me in November for Thanksgiving and Dad comes for Christmas. Work is the usual. Lots to do, never enough time. Missing Echo & hoping to see her sometime in early 2014!