Saturday to now is one giant blur. So I better write this thing 1) before I forget it all 2) so I can remember things in the future.
Saturday C and I rushed after work to get to the barn and get our horses all done so we could head to The Red Mile to see the fancy pant Saddlebred's do their thing. My conclusion? Most entertaining, amusing and disturbing horse show all at once. "Please walk your horse" simply meant just keep doing what you're doing, no need to demonstrate a 4 beat walk gait in a 3 or 5 gaited class (sarcasm). Just simply, wow.
Hackney going around in one of the driving classes. |
Sunday I got to the barn after work and briefly debated doing something with one of the horses. I had no idea who or what. I took a brush in Dakota's stall since wash/groom stalls were taken and found all his itchy spots and made him happy by brushing him all over. I decided to get a different brush and like an idiot, left his gate open by a mere 2-3 inches. My brushes were right outside his stall, should of been no problem. Dakota apparently felt a workout coming but he had his own version to demonstrate. He flung the gate open to his stall, bumping me out of the way and took off at a gallop out the end of the barn. Great. First thought, good he didn't go toward the parking lot which last time he did that he galloped toward the road before changing his route. Second thought was grab Echo, she'll be great bait in catching the little sneaky gelding. He didn't even look at Echo of course. I put her in the round pen hoping she'd call to him, nope. I left her there though, and took her lead rope as extra Dakota catching gear. Luckily he ran toward the 'track' at the farm. Which has the outside perimeter fenced in so unless he got out the opening we had blocked with C and myself, he wasn't going to far. He said hi to every mare that is turned out in the 'infield' of the so called track area. Then instead of being a good horse and coming to me who was only 10-15 feet away, he took off at a dead out gallop around the track. I went and got grain, hoping it'd entice him. I come back, D is closer to us than he was when he took off but he's keeping his distance, visiting new horses. Spun around, took off at a gallop back the other direction around the track.
Now I have to say, while he's trotting, galloping around, I got A LOT of compliments on how cute of a mover he is. Softened the blow of my horse being a jackass a little.
Dakota see's C and I standing across the track, he digs in, puts his head down and speeds up. C starts trying to scare him into stopping, waving things in the air - doesn't work on a horse that's gone through hours and hours of police horse desensitizing work. Finally he skids to a stop, turns and trots a few strides but finally succumbs to the sound of the grain in the bucket.
Dakota = barely sweating and having a great time. Me = Covered in sweat and exhausted. Echo = pissed off that she didn't get to run with him. I turn them out and go home and call it a night. Dakota wins.
Yesterday I had a full list of things to do. Woke up with zero motivation. Finally C texted me at 11ish to go to one of the stallion open houses going on. I oblige because they have two stallions I would consider sending Echo to. I wanted to see them now, even if I planed on seeing them in November at open house time. Note... I had considered breeding Echo to a TB for a racing prospect, but in last few weeks after more research I'm 99% sure I'll never breed her for that purpose. Nonetheless I want to look at stallions. Gives me something to do. Four of the stallions at Spendthrift:
Into Mischief |
Line of David |
Temple City |
Awesome Patriot |
Then headed to Fasig-Tipton for the July Yearling sale. We watched about 50 hips sell. Some exciting ones, some not so exciting ones. It was really hot so we spent most our time sitting in the sales area, not making too much movement so no one thought we were bidding.
A little bumper sticker humor for anyone that follows horse racing. Colleen and I died laughing over this thing. If you don't know, but want to know, click here. |
Wrapped up the day by heading toward the mall to do some much needed apartment supply shopping.
Tonight I have to rush after work to get the horses done so I can get back home to meet a maintenance person so no hope of me working horses tonight. Maybe tomorrow? That October Thoroughbred show is creeping closer and closer way faster than I want it to for Echo...