July 25, 2014

Scheffelridge Jumper Show Photos

Thanks to my friend Audrey who got up to just tag along to the show and take pictures! She was running on almost no sleep since she had switched work shifts with me the night before. Otherwise I would of had less than 4 hours of sleep. Still some other photos I'm waiting for from people but so happy to see these!

First ones there!
White Prince aka Poodle showing those cross rails who's boss!
Where did my friend go?!
Our makeshift halter fixing... 
Waiting... Lauren's face says it all. 

Home with her ribbon!


  1. Yay - beautiful photos of a gorgeous girl!
    What's next for L & the wonderful Woven Webb? :)

    1. Thanks A! She's starting grid work this week - she has lots of home work after her lesson last week. Show / event is end of August :)

  2. now THAT is a good friend
