May 10, 2014

Catching Up: Rolex

Ahhh it's already been 2 weeks since Rolex Cross Country day. I'm so behind on the blog world. I made it to the horse park in time to see the first rider mid course, so about 11:10am. As I put in my update from yesterday, I hiked around the horse park way too much and was sore, sunburned and dehydrated. So worth it though! Enjoy the pics!


  1. Wow, you deff had a great day for it!
    Thanks for sharing the pics - i really hope to take you up on your offer if you'll still put up with me for a trip to KY. Would love to squeeze in Rolex if I could & you really wouldn't mind! Maybe we could rope L & some other fellow bloggers into the mix...I really need a more "instant" way to communicate with you guys - i miss the days of our msn chats!

    1. PS: not sure you'll see this nor can I guarantee I'll remember to check back to this post - so if you do see this & answer my pathetic please for camaraderie - either drop a comment on my blog or you have my email details & there is always EQ pms ;-)

    2. You're always welcome to come visit and crash at my place in Kentucky!!!
